Oneyar Attendance

Oneyar Attendance

Version 4.0.12 Bazar
Install +10 K
Category Tools
Size 77 MB
Last Update 2024 May 28
Oneyar Attendance

Oneyar Attendance

Version 4.0.12 Bazar
Install +10 K
Category Tools
Size 77 MB
Last Update 2024 May 28
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More Info

We have prepared a free application for you that checks and records the traffic of your personnel online.

The business manager just needs to install this application and after registration, with a few simple clicks, he can define the types of work shifts, workplaces, personnel, organizations and managers of each organization.

The presence of personnel at the workplace is checked and recorded by the location, BSSID of the modem, as well as the NFC tag chosen by the manager.

Managers and personnel can see detailed reports of operation and traffic.

Personnel can register all types of requests: leave, overtime, mission and forgetting to register traffic, and these requests will be registered in traffic reports after being approved or rejected by the manager.

We have provided many facilities for you, including:

- Sending individual and group messages to personnel from the manager

- Viewing the attendance card of employees

- Personnel monitoring reports (the software checks to see if the personnel are really present at the workplace or leave the workplace)

User Reviews - 62 Rates
4.1 from 5
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